Worldwide Dignity Day is celebrated in schools on the third Wednesday of October every year. It is done in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa and the Americas. A large number of volunteers go about as aides and facilitators, driving the understudies in a discussion about poise. The point is to make the idea of poise substantial and reasonable for every single understudy. Characterizing pride in their own particular words and sharing stories from their own lives gives understudies responsibility for idea.

The facilitators lead the exchange on the Dignity Principles and are the first to recount their stories. After that, the understudies share their own particular stories, at first in little gatherings and at last before the entire class. Toward the day's end, chose understudies from every class relate their nobility stories to whatever is left of their associates in the entire get-together.


  1. We all should participate in such activities.... this is the time to be a role model for our next generation.......


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