

Huzaifa yaseen vi amber . BfKG CiVil lines  premier

Charity means the act of giving money,food or other kinds of help to those people who are in the need. Charity is a thing that is practiced in every religion and country.There are many organization which are giving charity such as ‘UNICEF’ or ‘HRW’. Their work is to give charity to poor people to make the world a better place.There are many poor countries in the world such as ‘Malawi’ and ‘Burundi’.Even in the richer countries people are living in poverty.About over three billion people in the world are poor.But because of charity poverty is decreasing.Everyone has right to give charity.There is a quote by Francis of Assis,’’Where
there is Charity and Wisdom,there is neither fear nor ignorance.’’

Islam also promotes giving charity.Its says to give Zakat and Sadaqa.Allah says,”If you give charity openly then what a good thing it is;and if you give to beggars hidingly it is better for you than every thing, and he will remove some of your sins.And Allah is Aware of what you do.”(Qur’an 2:271)
“ You will not attain righteousness till you spend in charity of the things you love.”It was said by Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
In my opinion,we should not only give money but help those in need in any way we can,but in a way we don’t affect their Self-Esteem.


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