Women Rights

          Women  Rights
        Fatima Tahir VI- Saffron (BF KG Civil lines premier)

 Women’s rights around the world is an important indicator to understand global well-being. In our country there are many working women and all of them work hard every day to run their houses. No one should ever underestimate a women. A women can do anything if she has a will. A women should be respected as all the other human beings in the world.
 In Islam men and women both are equal. Some of the social rights are: A women should get proper education, should live a free life and to dress. Economic rights: right to do business, seek employment and to dowry. Legal rights: right to vote, to witness, right to be equal before law and right to work on legal and political positions.
Women often work more than men and is paid less. Why? Women are not humans? They don’t have rights of living a dignified life? They don’t have feelings? And the answer is YES! they have every same right as men. They are humans and they have rights.
Women are independent, they don’t want to depend on others, they can stand on their feet and can walk without holding a hand.
Many campaigns are started and are starting for the global rights of women. You should also support a campaign about women rights.
It’s not about one women or one country it’s about all over the globe. Whether a women is a cook, servant, worker, wife, daughter, mother, teacher or what so ever Always Respect A Women.



  1. Go for women Rights....... Speak up...... Shout OUT....


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