
Showing posts from October, 2016

Global Dignity Day - Helping Hand

GLOBAL DIGNITY DAY Abdullah Habib – VI Saffron Global dignity day is celebrated across the world on October 20 to establish and recognize the right of every human being to lead a dignified life .                                                                                                                                      ...

عالمی یوم وقار

عالمی یومِ وقار عمار بن یاسر( جماعت ہفتم ۔ایمبر) جو کوئی پیکر نہیں حسنِ اخلاق کا کوئی اس کو انساں سمجھتا نہیں نہیں جس کے دل میں کسی کا لحاظ کسی کے دل میں بھی وہ بستا نہیں دنیا کا کوئی بھی مذہب یا قانون معاشرے میں توازن رکھنے کے لئے اخلاق کا درس دیتا ہے ۔ادیانِ عالم پر نظر ڈالیں تو ہر مذہب اخلاق کو تہذیب و ترقی کے لئے مرکزی حیثیت دیتا ہے   بلکہ زندگی کے ضابطہ نظاموں کا دارومدار ہی اخلاق پر ہے ۔ اس کی یہی وجہ ہے کہ حسنِ اخلاق سے انسان میں ادب،خوش اسلوبی ،فرما نبرداری،وفاداری جیسے جذبات پیدا ہوتے ہیں۔عالمی یومِ وقار کا دن ہمیں اس چیز کا درس دیتا ہے کہ سب انسان اللہ کی نظروں میں برابر ہیں اور سب کی عزت ان کا   حق ہے ۔ اسلام بھی ان چیزوں پر بہت زور دیتا ہے ۔ معاشرے میں بگاڑ کا اصل سبب حق تلفی،نا انصافی اور مساوات کا فقدان ہے ۔سسکتے ہوئے مجبور مردو زن، بلکتے ہوئے معصوم بچے ، روتے تڑپتے مستحق غلام ہماری غیرت ِ ایمانی کو للکار رہے ہیں۔بے بس با پردہ بہنیں ہماری را ہ تک رہی ہیں کہ کوئی ان کی عزت و حرمت کا سائبان تھامنے میں ان کا ساتھ دے ۔ بحثیت انسان ہمیں چاہیئے کہ ...

Under Privileged children

Under Privileged children Ayna Khurram VI Saffron- BF KG Civil lines Premier In our country there are many under privileged children and they are in really bad condition. They don’t have clothes to wear, food to eat, shelter to live and water to drink.   These miserable children are out on the roads without any protection. They are begging people for money. There life and their childhood is being destroyed. They don’t have knowledge or get education. Sometimes they die of hunger and thirst. And often in front of their eyes their parents get killed along with the people which are crewel they kidnap these poor and miserable children, make them do all king of hard and illegal work and earn money.   Their rights are being denied. They also have a right to live free without any burden, without any fear in their heart. Don’t they have a right to live with freedom? Don’t they have a right to live a life without burden? Shouldn’t they lead a dignified life? And the...

Global dignity day

Global dignity day Moiz Rashid - VII Amber - BF Civil Lines Premier         Global dignity day is celebrated on 3 Wednesday of October. Dignity means he state or quality of being worthy of honor and respect, or human rights. Dignity day was founded by three friends Professor Peekka Himanen from Finland, Founder of Operation Hope John Hope Bryant from United States, and HRH Crown Prince Haakon from Norway. The time when the dignity day was first observed in 20 October 2008. Global dignity day spread quickly in 2013, 50 countries celebrated this day. Global dignity day is used to make people realize about their rights. Every human being has a right to lead a dignified life, and that we all have a common responsibility, and opportunity, to strengthen the dignity of others.   Dignity day should be celebrated world-wide to raise awareness for people. You should treat your servants equally as your parents you. People gain no profit from th...

Save the World

SAVE THE WORLD K HADIJA TAHIR VII AMBER   Dignity mean to give others respect they deserve. A dignified life means to fulfill others potential, which is based on having a human level of health, care, education, human rights, income and security. A human being has a right to live and lead a dignified life. It is celebrated on third Wednesday of October. It is carried out in Middle East, Europe, Oceania, Africa and America. When it comes to dignity we can’t make compromises. To be able to live each day with honor, respect and dignity is the greatest achievement of all. What does dignity means to you? I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man and living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living. We must reach out our hand in friendship and dignity both you those who befriend use and those who would be our enemy. So on this dignity day we salute all those people who make us who we are. When the day will...